Successful PROFIUS project meeting in Iceland

From 5-6 October 2023 the PROFIUS partners were united in Iceland for project meeting.
Even though it was the end of the 2nd year of the project, it was the first time the partners were united at a physical meeting.
The meeting was arranged as a hybrid meeting, so apart from the 10 people who attended the meeting physically a few also joined remotely. The two Icelandic partners, University of Akureyri (UNAK, Akureyri) and Biopol (Skagaströnd), had done a great job organizing and hosting the meeting.
Besides the regular project meeting, we visited different companies to hear about utilization of marine side-streams (Foodsmart Nordic (Blönduos), Breið biotech-laboratories and Breið-Developmental center for innovation and development (Akranes), Iceland Ocean Cluster (Reykjavik) and Marine Collagen Iceland (Grindavík)). It was very inspiring to see how companies in Iceland have tackled the utilization of marine side-streams to obtain products such as collagens supplements and drinks, mineral supplements, leather, etc.